Using Stripe with Astro
I’ve been thinking about making a course on using Stripe with Astro, and I wonder if you’ll be interested.
Contents of the course
The gist of it revolves around:
- Creating a checkout page
- Charging and managing subscriptions
- Using Webhooks (for subscription changes, cancellations, etc)
- Handling Tax
- Understanding all the things you need in Stripe Dashboard to use Stripe for subscriptions and customer portal management
- Deep-linking to Stripe’s customer portal (for users to update their credit card, change plans, and cancel their subscription)
- Testing subscriptions
There are a couple of non-stripe topics that I intend to cover because they’re very much linked together as a function. (After a user purchases, you wanna let them access the site/app, along with other essentials).
Topics here include:
- Creating User Accounts
- User Authentication
- Sending transactional emails
- Resetting passwords
- Using Astro DB (which used SQLite)
- Data modelling for Astro DB
- Astro Studio (where the DB lived in production, for free)
- Sending Emails
I’m thinking about writing this course because I’ve just went through the process myself — and boy, it’s really tough to figure everything out! (Took me more than 1 month even though I already have some knowledge).
But since I know what to do now, I figured I could get you across the chasm in less than half the time you would normally require.
Well, interested?
I don’t want to make this course if there’s not enough demand. So if you’re interested, you can vote for the creation of this course by preordering it below.
Preorder Stripe Course
$99 only
- Includes all the topics I mentioned above
- Lifetime access
- Free updates
- Free community access
Please preorder by 15th Sept, 2024 if you’re interested.
If there aren’t enough preorders, I’ll refund everyone and work on something else instead.
Who’s writing this course?

Hi, my name is Zell. I have been developing websites and apps professionally for many years.
You may have seen some of the articles I’ve written at CSS Tricks, Smashing Mag or my blog. I’ve recently moved all my courses onto Magical Dev School (this site) and it’s not widely known to many people yet.
Many beginners and experts alike have great praise for my article and courses — saying they’re in depth and super easy to understand.
I’m writing this because I hope to alleviate some of the pain you may have to go through when using Stripe for your projects.
And we’re using Astro because Astro is wonderful for building both static sites and apps — you can practically use it to build everything.
Zell is the rare sort of developer who both knows his stuff and can explain even the most technical jargon in approachable — and even fun! — ways.
I’ve taken his courses and always look forward to his writing because I know I’ll walk away with something that makes me a better front-ender.
Your articles are honestly the best resources out there! They have really helped 100Devs folx understand topics that are always stumbling blocks for new devs.
Really appreciate the work you put into your content!
Zell is one of those rare people who commands tremendous knowledge and experience but remains humble and helpful.
They want you to know what they know, not just be impressed by it. In other words, Zell is a natural teacher. You’re lucky to have him because he feels lucky to be able to help you in your journey.
If you’re looking to learn JavaScript, Zell just made a new course that shows how to build 20 real components from scratch, step by step.
Zell is a really fun person too, so that helps when you’re trying to learn :)
Frequently Asked Questions
99% of the tech we’re using in this course is 100% free. We’ll use:
- Astro
- Stripe
- Lucia (for authentication)
- Astro DB and Astro Studio (as database), which uses LibSQL under the hood.
Along the way, I’ll sprinkle some code from Splendid Labz (currently wip) to make things easier for you. Splendid Labs is free, but it costs $49/year (only) to access the documentation.
Although I would very much like to promise you a release date, I can’t. I’m sorry.
I tend to overdeliver in my content — so I take much longer than I think I need to write. The estimates I’ve done for my previous courses and products have been way off the mark.
If you want a date to look forward to, I’ll say the earliest would be end of this year, but no promises.
Great question. I’m looking for 100 preorders to qualify if there is sufficient demand. If not enough people preorder before 15th Sept 2024, I’ll refund everyone and work on something else.
So please spread the word if you want me to write this. Thank you.
I’m sorry for this snide remark, but I’ve grown tired of trying to explain how valuable work like this can be.
To be honest, you don’t have to purchase this if you don’t see the value of it.
Yep! Simply email us when you complete any of our courses and we can provide you with a certificate of completion.
Great. Just email me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Here’s the preorder button again
I don’t want to make this course if there’s not enough demand. So if you’re interested, you can vote for the creation of this course by preordering it below.
Preorder Stripe Course
$99 only
- Includes all the topics I mentioned above
- Lifetime access
- Free updates
- Free community access
Please preorder by 15th Sept, 2024 if you’re interested.
If there aren’t enough preorders, I’ll refund everyone and work on something else instead.